Blog 2 - Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Medication and Children.

When it comes to mental illnesses and disorders in children and adolescents the earlier that a disorder or illness is detected and the sooner treatment is started the more effective it can be (NIMH, 2019). Although early treatment and detection is very important for the best possible treatment, it can be hard to diagnose children as it can be difficult to determine if certain behaviors are disorders or just a part of a child's normal development (NIMH, 2019). If a child's behavior does start to affect their everyday home and school life and interferes with friendships it is best to contact a healthcare provider (NIMH, 2019). In terms of children and adolescents it is important to have them undergo an Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder assessment if they struggle academically or have recently began experiencing a decline in grades, if they find themselves in constant motion and have trouble sitting still or quietly and if they become uninterested in playing with other ...